まあ、茶でも一口すすろうでは ない か。 明るい午後の日は竹林にはえ、泉水はうれしげな音をたて、松籟はわが茶釜に聞こえて いる。はかないことを夢に見て、美しい取りとめのないことをあれやこれやと考えようではないか。
岡倉 覚三; 村岡 博. 茶の本 (岩波文庫) (p.26). 株式会社 岩波書店. Kindle 版.
Got acquainted with Omote Senke's tea master, Prof. Ueda Soho, right after having moved to Singapore in 2011. Since then I came to devote myself to Chano-Yu and other enjoyments; pottery, drawing, calligraphy, oil painting, antiquary, etc..
The above citation from the Okakura Tenshin's book, is also referred by Mr. Yoichiro Ushioda, famous art collector or rare dilettante, in his book "Suki Gatari (2016)". Enjoyment of tea is not constrained by formality of tea ceremony.
Chano-Yu provides you peace of mind by self-serving cup of tea, and it will be fun to have good friends to enjoy tea together; serving tea each other, enjoy amateur pottery and drawing, picking-up unnamed wild flowers to embellish a humble tea house, and sometimes visit Kyoto to attend tea parties and appreciate season's delicacies.
It is truly sumptuous having enough time to think reflectively over 'beautiful foolishness of things' till when I become enjoying austere tea of one-pot-one bowl.